Frequently Asked Questions

This page is designed to help prospective and current students get the answers they need. If you still can't find what you're looking for, give us a call or leave us a message on our contact page

Is there a minimum age requirement?

Yes. Students must be at least 19 or older in order to apply. 

Students first go through an interview process with Sifu Lau. Schedule your interview by calling us at (770) 433-0821 and leaving a message.

If you pass the interview, you will have an application form to fill out and turn in. Once you turn in your form, you will be placed on a waiting list for the next available probationary class. 

One of the administrators will be in touch via email/phone approximately one month before the next class starts to see if you are available to join. 

If you have already turned in your form, we have not forgotten you. Our waiting lists may be long, but everyone who passes and accepts gets a chance. 

How do I join the school?

When do students train?

Students first joining the school are considered probationary students for the first six months. They train twice a week on Sundays and Thursdays. 

After a student has progressed through the first two levels during their probationary period, they are brought into Sifu's class and train three times a week: Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. 

Students often train on off days at the school, as well.

Sunday Class Time: 2:30pm to 4pm

Tuesday Class Time: 6:30pm to 8pm

Thursday Class Time: 6:30 pm to 8pm

Is attendance flexible?

Probationary students may not have more than three unexcused absences during their first six months. If a potential student is unable to dedicate the time necessary to come to class days, they may be denied enrollment until their schedule allows them to do so. 

The three unexcused absences applies to Sifu's students as well. Students in Sifu's class are required to call in when they are late or are unable to attend class. Students who have more than three unexcused absences may be suspended from training until their schedule permits them to return to class regularly. Each student's case may be handled differently depending on the situation.

Attendance is stressed as official class time is meant for the student to get the most out their Sifu and fellow brothers and sisters. 

Are the students diverse?

Absolutely. We are a multi-cultural school with students of all ages (19 and over). 

Students treat each other like brothers and sisters. See our Student Life page for some of the events we do as a family.

How many hours of training will it take until I get "good"?

An individual student's success depends on the student and how much of themselves they are willing to dedicate to the system. 

We do not believe you should constrain yourself by putting a time frame on your training. 

Do I have to be in shape in order to join?

No, not necessarily. Wing Chun is not an aerobic martial arts style. While it is encouraged that students stay active to lead healthier lifestyles, training does not require athleticism.

Students will, however, be required to perform "perfect push-ups" at each test level and for disciplinary reasons as they arise.

Do students wear uniforms?

Yes. Uniforms are strictly enforced in the school. Students are required to wear the following each class day:

  • Black BDU pants

  • Black Military grade combat boots

  • Black Beret with School Flash

  • Black Long Socks

  • Black Tactical Belt

  • Black School Belt

  • Black School Shirt

Students first joining the school will receive a specific list of items to purchase prior to their first class day. The School Flash, School Belt, and School Shirt may be purchased on the first day of class. Items on the list may be purchased at a local military store or online.

We strongly recommend that you purchase BDU pants that have drawstrings around the ankles. This makes it simpler to tuck your pants into your boot tops. Otherwise, you may be required to purchase blousing bands.

Prices for items purchased from the school will be sent to students via email prior to their start date.

Lau Yat was a student of Sifu Jason Lau, and after years of demonstrating his diligence and integrity, Master Lau selected him to become a disciple and gave him the name Lau Yat. As a disciple, he learned the most advanced aspects of Wing Chun and also began to teach the students. Ultimately, he became the academy’s chief instructor. He has been teaching Wing Chun since 1992. In 2004, he established Lau Yat Wing Chun Academy in Woodstock, Georgia.

Lau Yat Wing Chun is located just north of Marietta in Woodstock, Georgia. Learn more here.

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